Who forms Kennel Alfastarsky? We are a family unit which in addition to myself holds a husband and four children. From my children Sonja-Kristina and Henrik-Kristian have both accomplished first degree breeder course. I myself have accomplished both first and second degree.
Our dog family is commanded by, 12 year old, senior dog Lumi ( OF SKYELINE ESTEE LAUDER) who is the mother of Alfastarsky patches D & G. Next in line we have Lotta ( SAGASKY ANNA KARENINA ) who is nine year old lady and who is mother of Alfastarky paches I & K. After Lotta we have the two males of the gorup Hastur ( ALFASTARSKY HASTUR T YELLOW KING) and Leevi ( ALFASTARSKY IOD A SHINING HUNTER). Hastur is five and Leevi is almoust four years old. Hartur lives with me and Leevi is living with my son in Vaasa. After the males comes Leevi’s sister Inkeri ( ALFASTARSKY IFRIT A BRAVE SOUL) and our other dog Halla ( ALFASTARSKY JOY OF YOUR LIFE ). Halla is four years old. Last but not least is the baby of ous dog famly Kanga ( ALFASTARSKY KANGA LOVES THE WOODS). She is year and seven months old.
We are located in a small Finnish city Pori, population of 80,000 and host of 33 well known events.
As a Kennel we have participated in both domestic and international dog shows. Kennel Alfastarsky’s dogs have received international merit and acclaim. I and my dogs, with the help from my family take part in variety of charity events.